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Our club was established in 1948. It is our goal to participate more fully in the education and beautification of our community. We strive to promote 'healthy' gardening. We are active with Communities in Bloom. Our club has hosted gardens tours to benefit sick children.
Take advantage of our skilled group of gardeners by dropping your questions in the question box as you enter the meeting, or click on the "Garden Tidbits" tab and e-mail your questions so we can have answers prepared for the next meeting .
We meet once a month, on the third Wednesday. As a group of interested gardeners. The club's experience level is anywhere from a brand new gardener, to a handfull of master gardeneres. We try to have a different guest speaker monthly, followed by our local questions/ideas and regular club buisness.

Monthly Meeting Location:
We meet at the Fraserview Village Hall, at the corner of 116th and 227th. (22610 116th Ave, Maple Ridge, BC) Doors open at 6:30 pm. Meeting scheduled to start at 7:00 p.m.
Types of Programs:
Charitable, Educational
Plant Sales
Parlour Shows (download a schedule from the events page)
Bus Tours
Garden Tours
Member Open Gardens
Photo Contests
Plant Displays
Membership/Dues :
$20.00 per person, $30.00 per couple
80+ seniors are FREE (Please complete an annual registration)
High Schools students of SD42 are FREE
Non-members are welcome to regular meetings for a $3.00 drop in fee
Click here for a printable pdf document form for Club registration. Print a form off, fill it out and bring it to a general meeting! We no longer have a Post Office Box (Due to high overhead costs)
Click here for a detailed Guide for New Members **NEW**
Emailed Newsletters Monthly Except December. Printed and mailed publications are $10/year
Our monthly meeting is the third Wednesday of every month except January and December. A members banquet is also held in November.
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